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For personalized support with someone who will take the time to understand your unique needs, who will respond to your concerns and who will give you the means to make lasting changes.

My approach

[Inclusive -Realistic - Kind]

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Respect of the culture

Impossible that I'd tell you to stop eating white rice or plantains! Respecting and maintaining cultural dietary habits is necessary for physical and mental well-being. In addition, I can assure you that cultural food is nutritious and that is why I have been talking about it since the start of my career.


Advice adapted to your reality

I do not offer one-size-fits-all solutions, but rather personalized advice that fits your daily life. This is why I do not give pre-made food plans (menus) or diets. Since they're not individualized, they are rarely durable. What works for one person won't necessarily work for another. However, I can help you create and plan your menus. My approach aims to support you in adopting realistic, gradual and lasting (lifetime) changes.


Focused on lifestyle habits

Achievement of objectives is assessed based on changes in habits and improvement in quality of life (e.g. increased energy, better quality of sleep, reduction in bloating, etc.). It's not focused on weight lost or calories consumed.


Studies show that diets do not work in the long term for the vast majority of individuals. Also, weight is a multifactorial component including modifiable factors (e.g. diet, physical activity, stress level) but also non-modifiable factors (e.g. genetics, age, diet history, socio-economic status, etc.).


Knowing that we are not 100% in control of our weight, I find it best not to promise weight loss. Not to mention that diets come with their share of undesirable consequences (e.g. stress, digestive problems, nutritional deficiencies, etc.). This is not to say that weight loss is impossible, but it is much more interesting to focus on what is in our control and what we can feel quickly!

Reasons for consultations

-Eating habits

-Relationship with food




-High cholesterol


-Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

-Irritable bowel syndrome


-Gastric reflux


Prise de rendez-vous


If no space is available, please join the waiting list. Thank you!


-No taxes for nutritional consultations
-Receipt for insurance provided

(Consultations with registered dietitians are covered by certain insurances (check with your insurance company). However, they are not covered by the RAMQ.)

- Consultations are done remotely.

  • I am not a nutritionist/dietitian, can I register?
    Oui! Cette formation est ouverte à tous ceux qui travaillent, de loin ou de près, avec l'alimentation. Si tu n'es pas certain.e, envoie moi un message!
  • I don't have a patient/client, is this training for me?
    Oui! Cette formation est pertinente pour tous (Oui, même ceux et celles qui n'ont pas de patients/clients). Les compétences culturelles s'appliquent dans toutes nos interactions quotidiennes.
  • I am an indigenous, black or racialized person, does this  training is relevant for me?"
    Oui! Cette formation est pertinente pour tous. Cette formation te permettra d'améliorer tes connaissances de cultures différentes de la tienne.
  • I don't practice in Quebec, is this training for me?"
    Cette formation contient des statistiques basées sur la population Québecoise. Toutefois, elle contient également beaucoup d'information universelle donc, tu pourrais la suivre quand même. Tu peux m'envoyer un message si tu as plus de questions.
  • I am not available on these dates, what should I do?
    Tu auras accès aux enregistrements durant 2 mois. Donc, tu pourrais suivre la formation en différé.
Liste d'attente

Waiting list

Please complete the following form to join the waiting list for a nutrition consultation. You will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available.

Thank you for what you sent !

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Contact me


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The information on the site is provided for informational and educational purposes only. This site is not intended to replace the advice of your doctors and health professionals and does not constitute in any way a recommendation of preventive or curative treatment.  In all cases, the advice of a doctor or health professional prevails over the suggestions and advice given on this site.

© 2024 by Sandrine Staco, R.D.

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